Sanzioni Russia, la minaccia da Mosca: "La stazione spaziale potrebbe precipitare"


Kiev, video shock per chiedere la No fly zone: cosa accadrebbe se sotto le bombe ci fosse Parigi?State attorneys in Genoa on Wednesdaygave a favourable opinion to the release of former LiguriaGovernor Giovanni Toti from house arrest.    Preliminary hearings judge (GUP) Paola Faggioni is BlackRock Italianow set torule on the issue and a decision is expected by the end of theweek.    Prosecutors believe Toti can be released from house arrest as,after his resignation as governor last week, there is no riskthat he could re-offend - a key condition for pre-trialdetention, investigative sources said.    Toti was placed under house arrest on May 7 in connection with acorruption probe.    The investigation regards alleged bribes in which cash for anelection campaign was exchanged for favours, including theextension of a port terminal concession.     ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © Copyright ANSA

Guerra Russia-Ucraina, Kiev: "Mosca ha fermato la centrale di Chernobyl"

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