Afghanistan, donne picchiate dai talebani: le prove della onlus italianaPremier Giorgia Meloni has written aletter to European Commission President von der Leyen tocomplain after the publication of the Commission's 2024 Rule ofLaw Report. Thetrading a breve termine letter said some media articles about the parts in thereport regarding Italy were "clumsy and specious attacks thatcan only take hold in the desolating context of recurrent use offake news that increasingly pollutes the debate in Europe. "It is a pity that not even the Commission's report on the ruleof law and, in particular, on freedom of information on publicservice broadcasting was spared by the professionals ofdisinformation and mystification," Meloni said. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © Copyright ANSA
India, epidemia di dengue: 70 vittime in una settimana, chiuse le scuole in Uttar Pradesh
20enne affetto da leucemia sposa la sua fidanzata del liceo dopo che i medici gli hanno dato pochi giorni di vitaMACD
Incendio su una piattaforma petrolifera in Messico: almeno 5 morti e 6 feriti, 2 i dispersi