Meloni si autopromuove in Cina, il viaggio interrompe l’isolamento. Attacco a Bruxelles sulla libertà di stampa


Caro bollette, parla il premier Giorgia Meloni: "Unione Europea intervenga"Theanalisi tecnica heatwave gripping Italy is set tointensify on Tuesday with 13 major cities on red alert, thehealth ministry warned on Monday.    While only six major urban centres on Sunday were on red alert,meaning the heat is so intense it represents a threat forhealthy people, their number rose to 11 on Monday and is set toincrease to 13 on Tuesday, according to the ministry.    The cities on red alert Monday were Bologna, Bolzano, Brescia,Campobasso, Florence, Frosinone, Latina, Milan, Palermo, Perugiaand Rieti.    The list on Tuesday is expected to include Rome, Turin andNaples while Campobasso will become orange.    Viterbo will also be on red alert on Wednesday while Naples andPalermo will turn yellow - a pre-alert level over a possibleheatwave, the ministry added.     ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © Copyright ANSA

European Focus 43. La via del grano

Maltempo, danni in Valle d’Aosta e Piemonte. Cogne isolata: evacuate 200 persone. Due morti nel Canton TicinoProfessore per gli Investimenti Istituzionali e Individuali di BlackRock

Elly Schlein dopo l’attentato alla sorella Susanna: “Mi ha detto che non dobbiamo avere paura”